When the shooter (the Player throwing the dice) rolls number after number, he is 'on a roll,' and the game usually becomes noisy, exciting and generates a crowd! Noise should not intimidate the novice Player, but should be taken as a sign that once again, fun and excitement are taking place at MotorCity Casino Hotel. He will tell you what is happening on each roll of the dice, such as which bets win and which bets lose. Listen to the Stickperson as he calls the play-by-play of the game. The Boxperson, sitting in the middle of the game, watches the payoffs and supervises the action on the game. The Base Dealers stand on the inside of the game on bases handling all the Players' bets on their respective ends. The Stickperson controls the dice and stands on the outside of the game. The Craps table has three Dealers: the Stickperson and two Base Dealers. It takes a little time to learn the bets on a Craps table, but they can all be understood in a few minutes. These fast-action tables can be intimidating to the beginner, but Craps is easy to play. When you hear cheers of celebration and feel energy throughout the casino, it is usually radiating from a hot Craps game.